it was five years ago when i had my first tarrot card reading from a friend of a friend of mine (hay kalawig kung iexplain ko pa).
anyway,he asked me to pray before i picked the cards and boy, katanda guid sa iya. Halos tanan sng iya gnpanghambal tsakto guid. it was as if the cards were speaking my innermost thoughts.
what struck me though was the card that was revealed to describe my current status or state of mind. i actually forgot the exact name of the card he picked (tsk indi bala pareho sng common baraha nga spades, hearts, et al lng) but it was the interpretation that hit me. Hambal nya, i was then in a state of nothingness. he further explained to me that it was not a bad thing and that it was how i handled it.
five years later, i find myself in that same state - in the state of nothingness. At the mercy of whether my application for KSA be pushed through given the H1N1 scare, ayte nabatyagan ko guid ang nothingness nga natawag.
But as toto ronel would put it, umalagi lng ang tanan. Just stay strong and brave.
Yes toto ronel, in time, this too shall pass.....