yes, you're seeing it right.
but no, we're not cooking or serving food on the floor. wala kami bala karinderia.
but no, we're not cooking or serving food on the floor. wala kami bala karinderia.
the thing is that when it rains, it pours (literally speaking) in our house.
you see, my dad is 'feeling karpintero,mekaniko,tubero et al.' kada magulan dayun magtulo ang amun atup, sya na dayon ga matu-matu kay-o. ahay anhon ta man kay indi na mabali ang iya pagpati nga indi na kinahanglan sng bulig kay mahimu-an nya na pamaagi.
cge lang, pasugti ang tigulang. i pray this time makay-o na guid na he he he. love you superdad! ;)